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An Inevitable Thing

 No one could have prepared us for what has happened in the past few days. Death is certainly an unexpected thing and it could pass by any of us. I now know how painful it is to lose someone so dear..and a baby at that.  

April 19, 2015 at 10:05pm, my little baby nephew was declared dead. Due to some infection that the doctors could not find out, not until his death, my little baby nephew, Lollard, had suffered so terribly much in such a short life. And a couple days before his birthday, it is even more difficult to imagine him being gone so young.

As we await for the news on the church site, we all have been praying that God would spare little Lollard of all the pain he was experiencing. And as we all know, God moves in mysterious ways. And at that point, the answer to our prayers was so unexplainable.

The night it happened was right before our annual Camp Meeting. It was unbearable to face the visitors when you know someone close to your heart was suffering so much. God did answer our prayers of sparing the little baby of all his pain by taking him into His arms. The part in which you could see your very own sister cry for losing her very own son whom she took so much effort in taking care of,  has been too much, even for my own heart.

Not only that, but also seeing your other living little nephew, look for his baby brother, oblivious of the fact that his brother has passed on, its just too much for everyone to handle. How would you ever explain to a toddler that his little brother is gone? And how would you survive hearing from his own little mouth the name you would rather forget?

At the end of the day, all the questions that we have are useless and pointless. Since it is comforting to know that it is not in our position to question God of His plan in our life. At least that one burden, the whys and hows of what has happened are not ours to answer but to Him  who knows everything beforehand.

For me, one thing that I have learned is that whatever pain you have gone through, the people who cares so much will be the one who will cry and grieve with you through thick and thin. I have built so much wall  around me that sometimes I could not feel and see the people who really matters.

In this specific experience, I saw with my own eyes those people who cried in pain for my sister and her family and for the loss they had in their life. Somehow, this challenge in their life changed the point of view people have in my family.  And for God to use this situation a blessing to so many people would be more than an answered prayer in our life.

Have a peaceful rest my dear little nephew. See you in the Morning…!!

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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