• How I can afford to travel - dsc07361

    How I Can Afford to Travel

    My story is not your typical freelancer-type travelista. My story revolves around my family and the decision I made to stay with them instead of living on my own. Some people might find it strange that I am still living…

  • Creatives

    PostADay: The Power of Paper

    Paper. It was where it all started. I’ve always had this urge to always get a fresh page of paper so I could write something. Notebook. Yes, I am a notebook collector. I always get that feeling that I could…

  • person holding sparkler

    An Ode to 2016

    Before the Old Year ends and the New Year opens up, I would like to take this chance to reflect what 2016 has brought me. It was a year full of risks and changes for me, personally. I never thought…

  • Brands,  Lifestyle

    Thanksgiving Post 2016: Change

    2016 has been a year of changes for me. It would be an understatement to say that I am thankful and grateful that through this stage God has been with me, guiding me and directing me to the way I…

  • Uncategorized

    How to get away with Burping in Public

    Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC Here’s a funny story. It was aΒ bright happy day when we did our walk around Washington DC back on our US Trip last year. We stopped in front of the Smithsonian National…

  • Blog Blocks Wallpaper
    Blogging,  Creatives

    How To Get Back into Blogging

    Well, in terms of blogging, I have been left behind by time and all my contemporaries have reached their goals and have become successful in this specific field. I mean, if I look around me (that is, world-wide-web speaking) girls…

  • Uncategorized

    Life Lessons from the Pacquiao Talk

    In light of the issue with Manny Pacquiao’s statement with regards to homosexuality, I was pushed to question myself with a lot of things. This is not about whether I agree or not. This is about the principles that I…

  • Uncategorized

    Midweek Gratitude

    I love these moments of peace. This moment in the morning where I break the pace of my thoughts and just let it be still while I meditate on God’s Words and, after that, read a couple more other books.…