
How to Celebrate Father’s Day for Busy Dads

I don’t know about you but, for me,  I have a dad who can never sit still.

I mean, he’s totally BUSY and not sick with ADHD.

My dad grew up working hard for everything he owns so even until now he works hard until he gets sick (which rarely happens, anyway). When that happens, I think it’s the only time he could lay down on the bed for hours.

He used to be in the military and that enhanced his qualities of being a hard worker, both physically and mentally. Physically – because he’s always been a hands-on worker for everything he does. Mentally –  because he never executes things without proper strategizing or some sort of rational plan.

He’s always on the go. Not only because he has a current job that puts him on the plane ever so often, but also because during his days off, he always has something to do in the house – whether it be talking to his fish on his own aquaponics set-up, fixing something on the car, planting some seedlings in the garden, reconstructing some broken spaces in the house and whatnot. Believe me. It’s endless.

Growing up, I’ve never seen him just sitting on the couch watching tv, with legs propped up on the table. In fact, tv was not even allowed in the house. His work ethic has been so clear to me even at a young age that my sisters and I are more pressured than ever to be like him – work-ethic-wise.

The only time he said he could relax was those moments he drives me, my mom, and my sisters to some distant places he could find. That’s how traveling became a part of my life. He loves driving (even when driving stresses other people out), loves traveling (even when some people think it’s exhausting and expensive) and he squeezes these things in what little days off he has from his work.

So, if you have a father like this, you might ask, how in the world can you make a special day for him during Father’s Day?

  • Sit Him Down and Watch his Favorite Sports with Him. I believe there’s something sweet about talking with your dad and appreciating his favorite sports with him – even if you get bored in the midst of it. I’m a daughter and not your average sports fan, but there are times that I find him getting excited when we start to talk about who wins and who losses in a tennis match he has been stalking. I’m pretty sure a little comment here and there could definitely make him go on and on excitedly about it and will surely get him to feel understood and appreciated by the family.
Person Holding Stainless Steel Fork and Knife
  • Grab a Dinner Out. If you have a family who loves eating out, then this one would be a regular thing. This time, try upping it by treating daddy to a pricier restaurant with you paying from your own pocket. You can sit down with him and just catch up. Or, if that is not up to your alley, organize a DIY romantic dinner setting for your dad and mom – and make sure no one is disturbing!  
rule of thirds photography of lit candle
  • Massage Your Way Out. My father found an excuse recently to lay down on the bed lately – that is a massage bed. When he has time, he will spend 2 hours a day with my mom at a local massage place. A massage is generally regarded as a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, so why not treat your dad to one? Get a gift certificate or a discount coupon and reward him with an hour or two of this de-stressing escapade.
green dome near brown wooden dock near green leaved trees
  • Sponsor a hotel staycation for Daddy and Mommy. This may not be for everyone, but scraping out some extra money to sponsor even just a night of staycation at a hotel for your dad and mom sounds to me like a pretty sweet and loving gesture, isn’t it? Partner up with your siblings or, even your mom, and find a great deal or discount for a hotel somewhere in your area, purchase it and surprise him with it., for example, offers exquisite discounts for hotels and accommodations here in the Philippines. I’m sure, in one way or another, you could find a good price and a place  – that daddy will certainly not stress about afterward. While you’re at it, make him read this, to give him more ideas on what to do during a ‘staycation.’

I know there are a lot more fun and creative ways to spend a day with our fathers, but I find that these activities are perfect for making a busy dad stay still even for just a few hours. You can do this all in one day or pay it in advance so he could do it when he’s not that’s all up to him anyway!   Now, what about you? What are your thoughts on making a busy dad feel special on Father’s Day?

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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