
Poetry: Indifference

I just found out that rereading your old writings is a pretty tough stuff. Sometimes you cringe and think if it was really you who wrote and couldn’t believe you had those words in you to express those emotions flowing from within.
I can’t help but wonder how a simple arrangement of words could make a huge statement out of nothing.
Well, as I went through with my search of my old writings, I found this piece that sometimes still occurs in my thoughts. The meaning it conveys could be true to many standing relationships out there, BFF or whatnot..:)

(Edited Version – Nov. 24, 2004)
Amidst many a-thousand crowd
With deafining music – that’s so loud
I happened to turn around
And you – I found

Sudden emotions rushed through my veins
But only one feeling was suggested by my brain
That you, I will keep forever in my heart
Your image in my mind will never depart

But how can you be such an idiot
In my soul you created a riot
How can you be so indifferent
And misunderstand what I’ve always meant

Some folks may say we’re compatible
And the moments we have shared were unforgettable
But neither your words nor your actions
Could ever verify my wanted emotions.

You laugh, you shout,
You roam in and out
You’re busy with your life
Creating fun and even strife

You dance, you sing
You even dare mingling
With other people around you
Who seem to be new and true

But you tend to be forgetting
That one thing which keeps me smiling
ITs the knowing that you care for me
Though its the least I could forsee

How could you be so ignorant
Snubbing a thing which to me is important
We shouldn’t be conformed to people’s changes
But how can you be struck with such indifference?

Does that make sense??
Anyways, you guys can started guessing who’s the inspiration behind this…:)

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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