A Thanksgiving Post
I must write it now. Or else I will once again lose the feeling of writing it anymore.
Call me late or whatever. But I just saw the last installment of the The Twilight Series: Breaking Dawn Part 2. Seeing it with someone special makes it more memorable. Even nostalgic, as my friend said.
Indeed it is. Especially with all the flashbacks that Bella had to do at the end. It made me want to cry that the movie has ended. We have to face the truth, though, not everyone is as lucky as Kristen Stewart to be starring in a movie as big as that. And not everyone has that happy ending in a love life as Edward and Bella had.
And that brings me to the point of another realization. As in the movie, we all have someone or something we definitely would fight for. It made me think that in real life, I often take for granted those special tiny things that I already have; still envying what I don’t already have. Which is sad. Obviously. Who wouldn’t die for having parents who are willing to support you even when you already know how to support yourself? Who wouldn’t die for having a family who support your every decisions? For friends who respects who you are? For a church who prays for you even when you don’t ask for it? For a work that was granted to you even when you don’t really need one? For that special someone who accepts you even in your worst?
There are so much to be thankful for in this life that I live.And I might be saying this all over again in this blog of mine, but one thing for sure, this is the best I could do to give back to them all the appreciation they deserve from me for letting me be who I want to be. I am not an open person; my life is not an open book either. However, in this age of technology, there are more ways to prove to everyone how important they are to you. So I am using it, right now.
I have some friends there who actually made a count down of Thanksgiving by posting things they really want to give thanks for. And I never understood it until now. I really do applaud them for that. Being vocal about their gratefulness to small things became a blessing to me now.
One last thing. I feel so grateful to have this freedom to choose which life to live. Because without this, I wouldn’t be able to see things so differently like I do now – to appreciate so much the things around me. I used to be insensitive about this, skeptic, cynical, but as times goes by, I’m learning so much about this thing called GRATITUDE.
I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves.