Even in the Valley
November 2, 2015

Its a good day today. Thank God for another life to breath and a chance to serve Him and give Him all the Glory.
Last week has been a really busy one.
We went to our relatives in the province of Pangasinan to visit my mom’s cousin’s relatives mourning the lost of her cousin.
Yes, it was a wake. It was not my first time as you may have known but a wake is a wake. There would be people crying and mourning and weeping, hoping to bring back their loved one to life.
We went there of course with the intention of bringing and sharing the Gospel to our relatives and comfort them on their loss. I think we have imparted that. And I think the only thing lacking is a follow up, so that we could know for sure if they are applying the teachings. But of course we can’t do that due to our other schedules and commitments. So personally, I’m just praying for them to realize their errors and, despite their tragedy, come to believe Christ as their Saviour.
So with that accomplished, we packed up and went on our way back home.
On the way, though, we came to a little trouble. Just a little trouble.
The vehicle broke down. We were driving happily a few kilometers off the expressway, when the car just stopped. The engine won’t start and we were stranded right there in the middle of nowhere.
Knowing my dad was there, I was all calm and relaxed because I knew he knew what he would do. But mom was sighing heavily out of frustration. Of course, that is always inevitable for her when it comes to situations like this.
And so we where there, with dad trying to figure out what happened to the car. Just when he was about to give up, the highway patrol came cruising by. Praise be to God!! No more waiting in the heat of the sun!!!
But the patrol officer came to our window and simply said, “Sir/Ma’am, parking here on the highway is strictly prohibited.” What!! Do you think we will be parking here for no reason at all??
That was my stupid brain speaking.
My mom replied kindly back, “No, our car broke down and just won’t start up again. My husband is on the phone now with our mechanic.”
So, to cut long story shorter, the officers called out a tow truck so they could bring the car to the nearest talyer and have it fixed. When we arrived at the shop, the people there couldn’t figure out what was wrong, or sadly, has little experience fixing the car’s engine. With little option left, my parents decided to have the car towed all the way to Batangas and bring it to the mechanic my dad preferred.
And as for us, we stayed inside the car. Just imagine – the car sitting sadly on top of the tow truck with us lying down privily inside so that patrol officers will not notice there are crazy people inside a car being towed.
Yup, we were inside, crazy as we were, laying down and looking at the stars (the sun roof was half open so we could have air inside and not die in suffocation).
We arrived at the mechanic’s house at around 2am and we were fetched by a friend there to bring us back home, safe and sound.
Bottom line was, the car was broken but we were home safely, by God’s grace.
It was a really crazy experience but for me, it was all by God’s grace that we came back home whole and safe. It was a blessing watching my father decide what to do, and my mom agreeing to what he has to say. I think he was so filled with the Holy Spirit that even my mom’s hundred sighs of frustration couldn’t trouble him so much.
It was not the first time we got stranded some where with a broken car but I noticed that every time it happens, my dad was there to help fix it (physically present or on the phone). I wouldn’t know, for the life of me, what to do with a broken car. Even my mom said she would just cry if he wasn’t there.
Through it all, I noticed how God works in marvelous ways. His grace and mercy in me and my family is always so abounding.. We could be in a lot of danger but just in time, He is always there to help us. I don’t know how my life would turn out to be if it wasn’t for Him and by Him.
And that brings me back to a grateful heart today. Overflowing with His goodness, I just can’t help but spill it all out.
With all that said, let me end this entry with this song that has comforted me the past few months, and may I start the week remembering that Even through the valley, God is good.

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves.
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