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Top 3 Proven Ways to Secure Your Blog from Hackers

Aside from making a hard-to-guess admin password for your blog, there are other ways to secure your blog from hackers that we sometimes overlook. Here are my top 3 ways to keep your blog from getting attacked by hackers.

Uninstall Unused Plugin/Themes

Popular blogging CMS /portals like WordPress, utilizes plugins and themes to extend the capabilities of your blog or website. Plugins are simply bits of code that can be attached to your existing site by ‘installing’ it within your admin page. And since plugins and themes are made up of codes, there are likely lines there that are already outdated and can cause your whole site to be vulnerable to attacks.

Hackers are creative thinkers and outdated or misplaced codes are their playgrounds. So to avoid making your site a target, uninstall plugins and themes that are not in use anymore. Also, don’t forget to update your existing ones as well.

Hide Your Admin Page

Interestingly, if you are using WordPress, there is a way to hide your admin/login page. All-in-One WP Security and Firewall is a WordPress plugin that is user-friendly and makes securing your WordPress site a breeze. They have an option there to change the default admin page (e.i. to a custom one that is to your liking. This way, potential hackers can be deterred from digging into your site. The plugin also provides detailed security measures, like IP Blacklisting, SPAM prevention, and Database Security to up your website security score.


Simply said, the S in HTTPS means secure. Why do you need it? It signifies that your website is trustworthy to users all over. It requires SSL certificate to generate HTTPS on your site, and it’s generally provided for free on most web hosting. The little padlock on the left side of your URL on your browser bar signifies that your blog is secure and is using HTTPS.

According to, “HTTPS uses the SSL/TLS protocol to encrypt communications so that attackers can’t steal data. SSL/TLS also confirms that a website server is who it says it is, preventing impersonations.”

Other Helpful Tips

Beginner and expert bloggers alike need to secure their blogs or website every day, all day. Here are some basic ways that we all need to keep in mind to somehow protect our site/blog from hackers.

  • Create hard-to-remember passwords and/or usernames.
  • Change passwords regularly.
  • Update Your main CMS portal.
  • Get credible web hosting.
  • Do regular backups.
  • Scan your site for malware.

Over to you

Security is the big thing right now.

With all the breaches and hacks happening all over, we mere bloggers are not an exemption from these. We are easy targets and since our blogs are our lifeblood, we need to secure them to the best we can.

I hope you find these tips helpful. Let me know in the comments below your best security practice for your blog and I just might add it here!

Top 3 Proven Ways to Secure Your Blog from Hackers

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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