
An Exciting Story Called Life

When every one else are busy with all the festivities that this season gives, here I am pondering again what life and experiences are telling me.

Have you ever been in that situation where you have to gather all your strength again, throw away the pride, and humbly move on with the life God has given you? Have you ever been in that position where emotions are just rushing through and your head is clouded with so many questions you just can’t think straight? Have you ever felt that gripping hold of fear in your chest that something’s not going to be same anymore? Have you been so scared of losing something you hold so dear that you have almost forgotten the One Who is holding everything for you? Have your thoughts and heart been obscured by alluding questions searching for answers yet you couldn’t figure out the right words to express it?

Obviously, I’m in that position right now. And I could honestly say that I’m relying on my own deceitful heart all along.

I know this is not by accident but I thank God for showing me a  verse that says..

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. – I John 3:20

It struck me one more time that I have been doing things my own way through my own heart.

And thanks for this awesome technology that allows us wander off to another world without leaving our seat in our own room. Meeting people online has been bringing change to me ever since I started this out.  And once again God is using this to pull me back to where I am suppose to be.

You know how I used to love writing? Well, I’ve been writing nonsense lately because I’ve realized that I’ve been pushing away the One who brings words to me. And thanks to the person behind h3sean.com, who is unknowingly helping me up from this dark situation I am in right now. Just the thought of  having young men and women, who choose to be an encouragement to others by giving Godly insights and explanations to everyday circumstances is enough to wake me up once again from the dreary deception of emotions whirling in my soul, disrupting and blurring the direction I’m suppose to take.

Having grown up in a tight Christian family, sometimes the longing to be outside and exploring the world could take your desires to dangerous levels, if not controlled by Godly and Biblical perspective.

I guess there’s nothing more about this year than to thank God for this kind of experiences, opening our eyes to our real direction in life. A new year is about to be flipped over, and I certainly believe that new set chapters are about to be unveiled in this exciting adventure story called life.

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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