
Birthday Food Trips

Today is my mom’s birthday.
And usually during this kind of days we find somewhere special to each and just relax.
But due to a planning that is really non-existent in a busy week, we ended up just going to Uncle Cheffy Lipa.
And here’s the happenings,
Of course, in Uncle Cheffy, one should never miss out their ever famous Panizza.20130928_120046
Here we had a couple of Uncle Cheffy’s Brick-Oven Favourite Panizza. I just love this whole thing. Stuff it with the Arugula leaves, Alfalfa Sprouts, and tomatoes, roll it up, and stuff it in your mouth. I guess without the rice, I could eat this whole family size one. So Not!! Smile
My parents, as health-conscious as they are, would never forget to get a fish variant. Here is a nicely done PLA-PLA.
And since we are also health-conscious, we always opt and try out different tastes of mango shakes. That will never die I guess. It runs in the family.

And, so much for being  health-conscious. here is platter full of variety of variants, which have fish and meats selections on it. Well, the photo says it all, should I say more?

The Best Selling Baby Back-Ribs, will never be missed out as well. It’s really yummy.Smile
Being Filipinos, you should never  ever forget to get some rice out on the table, or else the sun will never shine again. Seriously, why does it has be rice?!!
And here is complimentary slice of cheese cake from Uncle Cheffy’s, I think one of the reasons why you should celebrate your birthday here. Who wouldn’t want a free slice of cake anyway, right?
But wait that’s not all. After eating all those delicious meals on the restaurant, we decided to get some more desserts in  another café.
That would be…
Ever heard of this place, fellow Lipenos? 🙂
Well now you have, here’s a quick look.
The entrance to the place may seem to be so obscure. Thanks to the many plant and bulrushes all over the area. But following a simple pathway, will lead you to the place.
Yes, you’ll gonna be passing some houses there as well, but that’s not gonna be place.20130928_140632
This is it! Once you see some nice tables and chairs arranged neatly outside, you’ve reached the main café area.
There are some tarpaulins all over there, telling you a bit more about San Jose, Batangas, where this café is located.
Sorry to budge this in but I just got fascinated with how the faucet and sink in this wash area is made. Bamboo faucet? How fancy, right!!
And this is it, our dessert! And oh yeah, I forgot to show you that before we even got this babies in front of us, we went down the creek that is so well-paved for visitors to take a look at. The only draw back is, the stairs were so slippery that time since it has been raining on and off lately.
But speaking of the Halo-halo dessert, best one ever! It was initially suggested by my brother-in-law, you has tried it before. With a price tag of P85 per serving, I must say, its worth it. First thing you would feel about the dessert is that the ice is softly crushed. How else should I describe it? You should taste it yourself, you will never regret it.

As for the place, it’s a great one to just hang out and relax after a week of busy-ness.  The relaxing vibe of the environment, what with all the plants scattered everywhere, you can’t just miss how fascinating and awesome it is that with simple things created by God, you can definitely have rest.
And oh yes, that was all we ate at Casa Rap. The Halo – Halo. Americans, Europeans, Asians alike – should try this here. Smile
Uncle Cheffy Lipa Pilahan, Sabang, 4217 Lipa City
(043) 757-6201 / (0917) 509-0634
Casa Rap
KM90 National Highway, Banay-Banay
San Jose, Batangas City, Luzon, Philippines
63 43 726 2873

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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