The Life I Live Now
It’s been a very long time since I posted last, and I must say, I really missed my presence online. I have just been through those times where you just need to mingle with real people more than feeling at ease with being oblivious behind the screen of a computer.
More than that, I’ve learned so much this past months. Lessons about gratefulness, contentment, and appreciation with the things I have, have become more meaningful to me compare to the last few years I’ve spent trying to find my place in this huge planet Earth.
Once again, this chapter in my life – where a person you care the most left you searching for yourself again – has brought so much changes in my own personality and attitude. And these memories, the lessons I’ve learned with people I have met now, can never be replaced with anything in the world. I think, God is really using the worst in my life to make me realize how big the opportunities I would still have if I could learn to see past all my own inhibitions and expectations.
Somehow, this journey is getting a lot easier than I expected. Although, there are times that I have been letting my way rule more than what God expects me to do – even though, the guilt is there and my conscience tells me ‘no’ – the consequences are a lot easier to accept and so much understandable because I know I deserve it and it would teach me to live life as its suppose to live.
As for now, I thank God for what I have and I don’t think I’m gonna leave this path anytime soon. I’ll be enjoying life as a normal employee, busy with the businesses I have to do, and thanking God that I still have a life to breath the next day and the next.
I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves.