


So much has gone again in this life of mine. Too much reflecting can hardly be done anymore but I try my best to breath a breath of fresh air once in a while.

In the midst of toils and turmoil in life all around me, there is only one thing that keeps ringing back into my mind. There was this phrase that my dad once said “Let’s view it this way, Satan knows that we could be used by God in a mighty way, and he’s trying to destroy our life and testimony because of it.”

He might have just said it in a passing way, but somehow it stuck into my mind like a glue on a wall. I am so blessed to have a dad who understands things in God’s point of view and not try to gossip about things that he doesn’t have any control of. In a world that we live in, once again, I realized that this kind of view point is hardly present anymore. No matter how much I try to be, I am girl and I have the tendency to stray from that perspective.

Its just so sad to know that even in a place with very high moral standards, gossiping and busybodies still occur. I just hope and pray that somehow they would know the difference between being concerned or emotionally sympathetic and non-sense chatter or babbling.

On a lighter side though, I’ve been thinking about a lot of ‘to-dos’ again and somehow my brain goes faster that my own hands, that I could barely keep up. I’ve been wanting to revamp this site again and make it more like a LifeStyle blog – or something like that. Thinking that Google has signed me up automatically on an the Authorship thing that they have for a quite a while now, it would be a total waste to leave this blog alone.

What and how should I start this…???

*Images taken from Google.com*

I am Jena, an experienced content creator, who is passionate about travel, health and wellness, and fashion. I'm an avid traveler and digital nomad, who loves to craft and sew and who has some IT background. I aspire to help others with 'no niche' online find their voice and just express themselves. 

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